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Tips to Daring A New Path

It’s almost human nature to desire consistency; even more so, knowing the future. We spend millions of dollars on planners and calendars along with downloading multiple apps that remind us of what’s ahead. The perceived security that knowing what tomorrow brings has a sense of stability attached with it. But what about the unknowns of life? Does daring a new path come with just as much security? Does it bring with it a different adventure and the very desires of our heart? Sure, it can be uneasy to venture into the unknown but doing so, reveals that life itself is one big mystery just waiting to be disclosed to us on an intimate level.

Here are a few tips to daring a new path:

Be a Student of Life. You don’t know everything. You probably didn’t know you would be reading this article at this appointed time. The way in which it found you was most likely not planned by you. To be honest, I didn’t know I’d be away from the busy city, writing this on a snowy day, drinking a warm cup of cinnamon ginger tea with a picture-perfect view of nature.

You don’t know everything. That’s worth meditating on. Oftentimes, we behave as if we know it all or have the pressure of feeling as if we should. Well, we don’t and it feels pretty good saying it and even better accepting it. Embrace the unknown by being a Student of Life. Watch Life and learn from it. You’d be pleasantly surprised as to where, who, and what it leads you to.

Look for Change. One can get stuck by not seeking change. A new thing is just that; it's something other than what you have experienced. Expecting things to remain the same is direct resistance towards a new path of living. You have to recognize change and refrain from fighting it. Too many desire transformation but refuse to embrace the shift when it shows up. Keep your eyes and heart open for change.

Go with the Flow. This term is popular yet few actually apply the principle. The secret to going with the flow is relinquishing control. Control is oftentimes a coping mechanism used in the face of fear. Most people who are considered controlling are really just individuals who feel unsafe. Controlling what happens next creates a false sense of security. It may help for a while but it can eventually become the root cause of anxiety and even anger and frustration; especially when it comes to events they have absolutely no control over. Going with the flow takes courage and most of all, a deep sense of trust that Life will lead you in the way you should go. Remember, you are not the Master of the universe, you are a simply an intricately, beautiful part of it. Knowing this truth grants a greater reality of security than anything or anyone can ever provide.

Daring to journey on a new path isn’t a thing to be feared; it is truly a gateway to living a full life. We each have a path carved out for us; custom-made for who we truly are. The more of yourself you become, the more alignment you experience with your path. As you walk in life being your authentic self, every thing, experience, and person attached to you will appear right before your eyes.

The greater risk is not taking the dare at all.

LifeWork: Consider how open you are to new things entering your life. Being honest, are you welcoming or resistant? Once you discover the answer, pay attention to what's already changing in your everyday life and in your way of thinking.

Then, taking small steps, start to embrace that change little by little. As you go forward, remind yourself that you don't need to know AND aren't expected to know everything. Go with the flow by trusting Life's goodness. Be sure to journal your experience.


Tashima Jones is an author and life coach who focuses on personal development and building inner-wealth. Tap here for more on her coaching sessions. Not a Member? Join the Club here.

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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